Monday 20 September 2010

Suck It Up..........

From the Urban Dictionary: 'To endure a period of mental, physical or emotional hardship with no complaining'.
Well... I just feel like a right old whinge to be honest. There is nothing I can do or say to change the fact that the perdiciment that I have put myself in is my own fault. Let's just think what would you say to someone that had the chance to get a degree and experience in graphic design or new media, then gave it all up to go out and get the first job that he could find due to pressures at home? What would you say to someone that decided to get a loan just because he though it was 'free money' and not debt? What would you say to someone that was brow beaten into getting a mortgage on a house that he doesn't live in, has no say over and still has to contribute to the monthly payments? What would you say to someone that just didn't push himself far enough to then when he got to the age of 30 that he may be slightly more happier and comfortable in a career and financial situation?
You would probably say "Well that's your own fault, no one to blambe but yourself" and your probably right......
30 years of age, single, no money and nothing to show for the 7 years I have been full time employed apart from a house that is not even mine.... Hmmmmm. So this is what I will say to myself and to all you guys out there that complain about thier lives no matter how rubbish a situation you have gotten yourself into.

"I don't care if your sad, get out there, suck it up and deal with it"

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